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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

Will Tesla's open source patents mean more electric cars in Oakland …

Since its beginnings as a startup electric car company in the midst of a historically gasoline-powered industry, Tesla has continued to gain widespread attention for its unconventional approaches — and is now turning heads …

Bay Area governments buy nearly 100 electric vehicles with MTC grant

A group of San Francisco Bay Area cities, counties and water agencies is joining forces for what is being billed as one of the largest single government purchases of all- electric vehicles in the country.

Bay Area Governments Make America's Biggest-Yet Electric Vehicle …

10 San Francisco-area public agencies have just made America's largest electric vehicle fleet purchase to date.

Senator Kevin De Leon encourages more electric vehicles among …

The East Los Angeles Electric Vehicle Day was organized as part of the Vehicle Retirement and Replacement: Charge Ahead California Initiative, sponsored by a coalition of five environmental groups dedicated to improving …

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