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Posts under ‘Building Electric Vehicles’

State Action Plan Helps Power Up Electric Vehicle Market

The release of an action plan by state governments that hope to boost the visibility and use of electric vehicles is yet another sign the nation is moving deliberately toward getting gas-burners off the highways and cleaning up …

State Action Plan Helps Power Up Electric Vehicle Market

The release of an action plan by state governments that hope to boost the visibility and use of electric vehicles is yet another sign the nation is moving deliberately toward getting gas-burners off the highways and cleaning up …

BMW i3 – is this the world’s most desirable affordable electric car?

There may be disquiet about its gentle rate of climb, but the electric car has, at last, taken off. The BMW i3 is leading the charge.

Solar roadways the next revolution for electric cars

Roadway solar panels and would also recharge electric vehicles while moving, and thereby helping to reduce greenhouse emissions drastically. “Our original intent was to help solve the climate crisis,” states Solar Roadway's …

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