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Posts from ‘February, 2014’

Electric Vehicle Performance Found to Slide in Winter – Triple Pundit

For years, reports have surfaced saying hybrids don't do well in winter. A recent MIT article claims that the situation gets even worse for all-electrics.

NASA wants better batteries for electric vehicles | TG Daily

The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) now is funding 22 projects across 15 states with a total of $36 million to develop better, more efficient power sources for electric vehicles (EV).

Policy change means more tickets for electric vehicle drivers

This sign was added to USFSP's two electric vehicle charging stations in November, restricting use to the time it takes for a car to fully charge. In the.

New NASA Mission Focuses Upon Electric Cars | EarthTechling

A program going on at the governmental space agency NASA to examine ways to lower greenhouse gas emissions by making use of plug-in electric vehicles like the Chevy Volt is seeing some successes.

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