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Posts from ‘December, 2013’

Nissan uses EVs for grid power storage, powers a building with six …

With the widespread introduction of electric vehicles , we might just have an answer to that question. The problem with batteries is that they're horribly inefficient and expensive relative to something simple like gravity or water  …

This is a vending machine for tiny shared Chinese electric cars …

This is one of those ideas that makes so much sense, in cities where you can barely see because of the pollution.

REPORT: US Predicts Electric Vehicles Won't Take Charge by 2040

Every day we hear about amazing advances in sustainable fuel and fuel alternatives, so much so that its hard to imagine that these technologies wouldnt …

Electric Car Sales Growth Is Actually Very Strong (Historical …

Adjusting for population, after 3 years on the market, plug-in cars (pure electric cars + plug-in hybrid electric cars ) have seen about 3 times as many sales as automobiles had seen after their first three years on the market, and  …

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