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Posts from ‘July, 2013’

All Electric Vehicle Rally ends with Tesla S in top spot – Engadget

There they were, a caravan of nine electric car enthusiasts with a lot of free time on their hands, “tearing” down North America's west coast in a bunch.

Is the Electric Vehicle Industry Gaining Momentum? | Your Energy …

There seems to be a lot of back and forth lately about the performance (or lack thereof) of the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Reuters released a scathing article earlier this month on the lack of development of electric vehicles ,

Electric vehicles prove more popular when green energy is available

OK, so this isn't exactly a “man-bites-dog” type of story, but it's still worth noting that electric vehicle buyers enjoy green energy. Turns out, folks are more likely to buy a plug-in vehicle if they know the electricity that will power

Wave 2013 Electric Vehicle Rally Draws Record Number – Inside EVs

On Friday, June 28, more than 40 electric vehicles kicked off one of the world's largest EV rallies. Called Wave (World Advanced Vehicle Exhibition) 2013, the goal is to showcase electric vehicle technology by driving for 10

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