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Posts from ‘April, 2013’

Detroit Electric SP:01 EV Roadster Unveiling | AOL Autos

Subscribe to AOL Autos Today: http://bit.ly/YPxiSb Read more AOL Autos here: http://autos.AOL.com/ The recently relaunched Detroit Electric car company intro…

Knoxville Police Take Action by Enforcing and Ticketing Violators of …

The term ICE'd is rather well known among electric vehicle aficionados, but if its meaning is foreign to you, then here's a brief definition: ICE'ing is when an internal combustion engined vehicle parks in a spot designated as …

Capitol Confidential » NY slides into electric vehicle charging stations

The electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid charging stations, which will include locations in Westchester County and Rochester, are part of the Charge NY initiative to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuels and to …

Understanding the life of lithium ion batteries in electric vehicles

Scientists today answered a question that worries millions of owners and potential owners of electric and hybrid vehicles using lithium-ion batteries: How long before the battery pack dies, leaving a sticker-shock bill for a fresh …

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