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Posts from ‘March, 2013’

Pull the Plug on Electric Vehicle Charging Stations – Reason …

First, electric vehicles in GA are not cleaner than traditional gas-powered vehicles.

Electric vehicles required to make noise – PeachParts Mercedes …

Nissan, Mitsubishi tell NHTSA requiring electric vehicles to make noise will turn buyers away So basically, we'll lose one of the major advantages of.

Obama Promotes Electric Vehicle R&D | March 25, 2013 Issue – Vol …

President Barack Obama has proposed a $2 billion boost to research funding over 10 years to encourage development of vehicle-related energy technologies, such as advanced electric vehicles , fuel cells, biofuels, and …

DOE Offers $50M For More, Better, Electric Vehicle Development

The United States Department of Energy is offering $50 million for the development of plug-in vehicles as to support its EV Anywhere Grand Challenge.

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