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Posts from ‘January, 2013’

Detroit Auto Show: Electric Vehicles, Automated Technologies Bring …

There may not be any flying cars at this year's North American International Auto Show, but 2013 promises huge innovations on behalf of many automakers displaying their new concepts in Detroit. For those making hybrid and …

Car buyers reject electric cars, but Obama won't quit spending on them

President Obama clearly has a thing for electric cars . He wants to see them driven by everyone, everywhere – including himself. Speaking in 2011 to United Auto Workers in Detroit, he said he fully intends to drive a Chevy Volt ..

VIA Motors Unveils Full-Size Electric Cars

VIA Motors Unveils Full-Size Electric Cars at The North American International Auto Show. A high-performance 4WD pick-up truck with an 800 horsepower option called the “X-Truck” and a technology packed, luxury class 4WD SUV called “The Presidential.”

GM remains ‘excited’ for electric cars

But is your taxpayer money going to a worthy cause?

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