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Posts from ‘December, 2012’

Presence of electric cars in Iowa remains small – KWQC-TV6 News …

Electric cars often are seen as the future of the U.S. car industry, but their presence in Iowa remains small.

What Kind of Electric Vehicles are Californians Buying? – KUSP Blogs

What Kind of Electric Vehicles are Californians Buying? Play

Best electric cars of 2012: Tesla, Coda, and other expand the EV …

A luxury sedan, an SUV, and electric versions of popular hatchbacks join the list of best electric cars of 2012.

Texas Grid CEO: We Can Handle Electric Cars Just Fine

On the list of reasons to dislike electric cars , arguments about electricity grids being unable to cope with demand are often fairly near the top. You'll have heard it before: The concept that, as everyone drives home after work …

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