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Posts from ‘October, 2012’

The Chinese Key to Electric Vehicle Adoption | Alternative Energy …

The lack of a US policy to overcome slow charging times, and only weak policies to overcome the high cost and limited range consigns electric vehicles to niches and prevents their use as truly mass market vehicles.

Romney Calls Tesla Electric Vehicles A 'Loser' « CBS New York

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has weighed in on electric -car maker Tesla Motors: It's a “loser.”

Electric Cars May “Pose Environmental Threat” | 2oceansvibe.com

New research that examined the life-cycle impact of conventional and electric vehicles shows that in many cases electric cars might pollute much more than petrol or diesel-powered cars.

Electric Vehicles Can Be Twice As Bad For Global Warming So Stop …

In fact, a new study from the Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology investigates just this idea, and finds, among other things, that electric vehicle production produces twice as much climate change potential as does …

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