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Posts from ‘July, 2012’

Forget electric cars, used full-size SUVs are the hot property now …

By Dan Carney Think cutting-edge electric vehicles like the Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf are hard to get? That's nothing compared to the challenge of buying a three-year-old full-size SUV.

The new BMW C evolution e-scooter [VIDEO] | Electric Vehicle News

BMW have released official information about their upcoming electric scooter, dubbed the C evolution.

Electric vehicle sales ahead of last year's pace – Bottom Line

Despite GM's decision to shut down Volt production for five weeks, starting later this month, capping a raft of adverse publicity, sales of electric vehicles are actually running well ahead of last year's pace. Sales of both the Volt …

NFPA Unveils Online Electric Vehicle Safety Training for Firefighters …

July 26, 2012 — The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) announced the launch of its online electric vehicle safety training course for first.

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