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Posts from ‘June, 2012’

Electric, hybrid vehicles make their marks in motorsports | Midwest …

Hybrid and electric vehicles are not necessarily renowned for their performance, but this year, competitors in some of the world's most prestigious motorsports events are turning that perception on its head.

Electric Vehicles: Just like a regular car…but better! | WWF-Canada …

Last week I had the chance to give a few of my coworkers a ride around the neighborhood in an electric vehicle . The EV was available through Discount Car's EV promotion that sees them giving FREE 24 hour rentals until …

2011 Ford Focus Active Park Assist doing it's thing, quite …

quite startling active park assist system that uses parking sensors to spot parking spaces and then steer the car in without the.

Personal electric vehicles, scooters, bicycles etc

Jref, I am travelling to Japan in the future and I was interested in purchasing an electric scooter to provide transportation. I realize local laws.

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