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Posts from ‘June, 2012’

Europe: Germany may miss electric-cars goal without funding

BERLIN (Reuters) – Germany's goal of 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2020 may only be achieved if state funding of fossil fuel-free mobility is.

Fueled by passion for electric vehicles – Ramona Sentinel | Ramona …

Fueled by passion for electric vehicles . Bob Van Gorder, left, and Wistar Rhoads, right, point out the various components installed to convert this Volkswagen Bug to electric power

ANSYS Making Electric Vehicle Batteries More Practical And Efficient

GM awarded ANSYS a subcontract to develop battery software tools that will help accelerate development of next-generation electric vehicles (EV). The project is a result of a competitive procurement through the DOE's NREL …

Looking at the DeltaQ QuiQ charger – evaluation for on-board an …

It's designed to be rugged – and I've seen QuiQ chargers mounted on the undersides of neighborhood electric vehicles for “plug in and forget” style operation. The models sold support battery pack voltages in 24, 36, 48, ..

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