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Posts from ‘April, 2012’

Electric Vehicles and Solar Power – Solar Choice

Are Electric Vehicles the solution to managing our surplus solar production? The combination of solar power and electric vehicles can bring the future of 1 in 5 vehicles being electric closer to reality.

Isreal: Steinitz: Tax on on hybrid, electric cars to drop « 4EVRiders …

Purchase tax on electric vehicles will decrease from 10 percent to 8% on June 1, before returning to 10% in 2014 and rising to 30% in 2015. Photo: Courtsey of.

On Student Loans, Accounting Gimmicks, Electric Cars, FX and a …

Student Loan Battle There was a big fight in D.C. this past week over student loans.The issue is a scheduled increase in interest on new student loans from 3.4% to 6.4% set for July 1.

Viking M. Services: How Electric Vehicles Work

Sunday, April 29, 2012. How Electric Vehicles Work

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