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How do you build an ELECTRIC CAR (VEHICLE)?

I had to enroll in this technology class, because all the other possible courses were full. Therefore, I am not very familiar with design or developing a prototype vehicle, or the other steps involved.

Does anyone know how to construct an electric vehicle, or do they know a helpful site that explains the
process (including design considerations, the type of batteries and motor to use, cost, and other materials needed)?

Your help is appreciated…Thanks in advance!

Asked by:inquiriesjazzfive

Any working OTEC Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion generators today?

Where can I find out about working shallow-water (under 1,000 feet deep) O.T.E.C. power plants that are actually producing power? Can this be developed to work with rivers, too, using Thermoelecricity as the generator? At what point will I be able to obtain “net energy” after losses from the pumping of water?

Thanks for all suggestions.

For another example of an under-utilized nearly-free-energy application, this time, in transportation, check out this TV newscast in Youtube about an electric vehicle that works on dead battery cells:

Joke of the Day: What do you call a religious gathering with hell-fire preaching?
(Answer) A thermal mass.


Asked by:Info_Newbie_Seeker_Dummy

How do I do an electric vehicle conversion without using the transmission?

I would like to convert my 99 Toyota Tacoma 2wd to battery electric.

Every conversion kit that I’ve come across involves bolting an electric motor to the existing transmission. I would like to remove the transmission and mount the electric motor directly to the drive train.

I’ve heard this can be done successfully but there is little information available. Anyone have any experience or ideas on this?

Asked by:Alex K

How can i find a sponsor? (Build Electric Car)?

We wanna build a EV (Electric Vehicle) and we need to have a sponsor company(Full).

Do you know any website or company to become our sponsor to build a car?

Asked by:David V

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