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Posts from ‘August, 2013’

Electric Cars Are Doing Better Than Hybrids Did in Their First Three …

The history of electric cars is long and full of false starts. But it looks like the latest wave won't be turned back.

Historical Versailles Gets Electric Cars For Staff Needs | EarthTechling

Versailles in France gets an electric car makeover as Renault hands over the keys to 23 zero emissions vehicles to be used by on-site staff for various affairs.

U.S. consumers reject all-electric vehicles | SmartPlanet

Sales of battery-powered vehicles have failed to meet expectations — but how do hybrid models compare?

Via motors latest to try electric vehicle-to-home backup power tech

Japanese companies have explored the concept of electric vehicles powering houses for some time, but with events like last year's Hurricane Sandy fresh in peoples' minds, some U.S. organizations are investigating it too.

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