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Posts from ‘May, 2013’

Nissan Shows Electric Cars Can Indeed Be Economical… Or Can …

Nissan wants to put you in an electric car — so much so, that under the right circumstances, the company alleges you can get one for free.

electric cars are unique, built in Hanoi – xe điện chế cực đẹp, độc nhất tại hà nội


Electric vehicle recharging station on display in Saskatoon

As electric vehicles become more common, the need for a network of recharging stations is becoming an.

Trailblazing Israeli electric car company to close (Update 2)

It was an audacious idea that came to symbolize Israel's self-described status as 'Start-Up Nation,' a company that believed it could replace most gasoline-powered cars with electric vehicles and reduce the world's reliance on …

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