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Posts from ‘February, 2013’

New York's Bloomberg Calls for More Electric Vehicle Charging …

More importantly, Bloomberg will change the building code so that up to 20 percent of new public parking spaces in private developments will be wired for electric vehicle charging. The change could create up to 10,000 …

Are electric cars zombies of the road? | ETA

In the current economic climate, there's much talk of zombie businesses, debt-ridden companies that would die if they were not kept alive by banks eager to see their loans repaid. Given the amount of money spent on their …

Are there enough electric cars to justify the money spent on the charging stations?

At the Auto show at the Oncenter in Syracuse, one of the cars on display is the Nisson Leaf. It is an all electric vehicle which will take you 73 miles on a single charge

Plus ça Charge: Electric Touring | The Truth About Cars

Note the date of publication is 1914, not 2013 While following the he said he said back and forth between the New York Time's James Broder and Tesla's Elon.

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