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Posts from ‘December, 2012’

Dogs driving cars, Rolls-Royce on the up and the big question: Electric vs. gas?

ABOUT INSIDE CARS Get the latest news in the automotive industry in one place! This daily show will keep you updated on racing updates, new car releases, reviews and everything else you need to stay in the loop. ABOUT ROXANNE AVALON Roxanne began her career as a host working for an international resort and hosting all of their live events. After three years of constant traveling, she settled down in Los Angeles to continue her hosting career.

DoE Launches 'Manhattan Project' for EV Batteries – Electric Vehicle …

Think of it as a Manhattan Project, except instead of secret nuclear bombs, the end result is much better batteries for devices, electric vehicles and the power grid. That's at least one of the analogies used by the U.S. …

Bedford to See Electric Cars, Charging Station Soon – Bedford …

Officials are testing the new equipment in parking enforcement and will use the results to gauge whether it would be appropriate for additional offices in the future.

Electric vehicles could be new backup power stations for mil – Care2

The Army Corps of Engineers, which has been awarded a $7 milllion contract, will be testing if electric vehicles help protect a military base from power disruptions at Fort Carson, Colorado.

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