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Posts from ‘August, 2012’

Can't find the electric vehicle for you? Build your own – Electrical …

In love with your current car or don't like the electric vehicles on the market? Convert your car into an electric vehicle . Almost any car can be converted into an electric vehicle and instantly improve the cost of driving.

Why Wireless Charging Could Change the Electric Vehicle Market …

A number of factors may hinder the growth of the market for all- electric vehicles . Surveys consistently show that people are interested in the concept of an electric vehicle , but do not want to pay a high cost premium and are …

ESFI Electric Vehicle Safety – Fiction Media Group Inc.

The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) continues their video series with a helpful overview of electric vehicles . The video explains the different types of electric vehicles , the role your home electrical system will have, common …

Electric Vehicle Accessories For Tesla, Chevy Volt, and Nissan Leaf

By the end of August, there will be more than 40000 new plug-in electric cars on American roads. That's just the beginning of the market for EVs and plug-in hybrids, which is expected to reach one million vehicles in about.

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